
How does it compare on price?

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It sounds like a simple question but comparing the pricing of various ticketing providers is not straighforward. Each provider seems to have a different approach, so unless you actually do the maths, it is very hard to compare.

Let's do the maths!

To compare accurately, it is important to use a representative order. In our example we have entered an order of two tickets. this is because people usually go out with others so orders are likely to contain two tickets or more on average.

Enter the numbers that are representative to your business.



including payment processing

£x ticket x fees
Ticketing Software
x x
Payment Processing
x £x
x x
for each £x ticket x
including VAT x

including payment processing

£x ticket x fees
Ticketing Software
x x
Payment Processing
x £x
x x
for each £x ticket x
including VAT x

Compare Other Provider

£x ticket x fees
Ticketing Software
% x
£ per ticket x
Payment Processing
£ per order x
for each £x ticket x
including VAT x

Some ticketing software companies charge a flat monthly fee, for example £10,000 for £250k of sales (plus payment processing fees) or £650 for 1,000 ticket sold (plus payment processing fees). How do you compare these? It is tempting to use the numbers provided to find out the cost, such as £650 for 1,000 to get a software cost per ticket of £0.65. However, when doing this calculation, you have to remember that it is the best case scenario. If you were to only sell 500 tickets, you would still pay £650 making the cost per ticket jump to £1.30. The best way forward is to calculate the best and worst case scenarios and see how they fit in your comparison.